Tangle Tea

Three cups of tea - three tangles

Weekly alternating Thursdays and Saturdays from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. CEST, we meet online to tangle and have tea.

How does this work?
You make yourself comfortable at home, get some tea ready, take paper and pens and let me guide you through the tangling. We start with a moment of mindfulness to calm down. The tea is poured, we listen to the crackling of the Kluntje (rock candy) and marvel at the little cloud of cream in the cup. Then we look at the patterns and warm up first. And finally we tangle a small work of art. I'll guide you through the entire process so you can feel free to join in.
Just as there are three cups of tea with East Frisian tea, there will be three Tangle patterns with Tangle Tea. Let yourself be surprised.

The East Frisian tea is traditionally drunk with cream and Kluntje (candy sugar). And without stirring.
In this way, the three components remain perceptible on their own.
The patterns that I choose correspond to these three ingredients in their character. They are creamy/abundant, tart/dry and sweet.

These tiles were created during the Tangle Tea:

The Tangle Tee is an offer for everyone who would like to tangle, whether advanced or just starting out.
Everyone is welcome.
Feel free to come and try it out.

I offer the Tangle Tea bilingual, German and English.
If there are participants who do not speak German I will translate sentence by sentence into English.


Please pay as best as you can: €7 - €11 - €15 per person


You need the standard material
A white Zentangle tile, fineliner, pencil, tortilla, or cotton swab to blur the shades.
You also need a piece of paper to try out or your sketchbook.
If you don't have any tiles, you can also cut a piece of good, solid drawing paper to fit (approx. 9 x 9 cm).
I guide the tile in black and white. If you like, you can of course also work in color.

These tiles were created during the Tangle Tea:

The Tangle-Tea takes place via Zoom.
If you would like to participate, please send me an email and I will put you on the list of interested parties.
You can also use the form on this page to register for the invitation list.

Everyone on this list will receive the zoom link for the event 2 days before the Tangle-Tee.
You can decide at short notice whether you want to take part, please send me an email then, log in and only pay then.

info @ uteandresen.de

A zentangle meeting usually concludes with a mosaic. All the resulting tiles are merged. It's always a special moment to see how your own little work of art finds its place in the big picture. For online meetings, we do it in such a way that the participants who want to participate in the mosaic send me a photo of their tile afterwards. And I then create a mosaic from the individual images, which is published here on the website in the blog.

Here I report about the Tangle-Tea meetings - to the blog (sorry only in German)

The Tangle Tea is held bilingually in German and English.

Registration for Tangle-Tea

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.

Here you can see the mosaic of the Tangle-Tea from May 31st 2023